
BP#3 - Mr. Jackson

Mr. Jackson is Brentwood High School teacher that teaches digital media for my second period class. Well he's the whole class's teacher. He's pretty young and energetic (when he has his coffee). He can be a bit of a goof ball but, who isn't. Here's a quote from the main character named the Doctor in the British science fiction tv show called "Doctor Who" "There is no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes" - The 4th Doctor. Mr. Jackson is a breath of fresh air with all the serious teachers in the school. I don't know too much of Mr. Jackson due to not talking to him so much because the class is second period. Second period tends to be part of the "still sleepy" class periods of first, second, third, and maybe fourth period of the school day. I do enjoy the class and the subject he teaches. He really is passionate on what he does and that's very admirable to some young students. The students in the class

BP#2- Can music affect you emotionally?

People are emotional, we all know that. Happiness, sadness, anger, and fear these are some of the emotions that we humans feel, it's what makes us who we are. Emotions help to connect with others in a very deep and meaningful way. Emotions are what defines us as well as actions do. Emotions can bring you up and make you feel like you're on top of the world. Emotions can overwhelm us in a way that some may never understand. Sometimes music can tune into our emotions. Music can bring out our emotions in a good or bad way. Listening to a "happy" song can bring your spirits up while listening to a "sad" song can bring down your mood.  Music can remind someone of days long gone or of a recent event that has happen. Music is a hobby for some while it's a profession for most. There are many types of music and genres that can become tune with our emotions like hip-hop, jazz, rap, lo-fi and many more.  There are many studies of the psychological relationship of

BP#1- What are phone skins?

Most people around the world have a computer in their pocket that being their personal phone. People pay thousands of dollars for the newest model from their favorite tech brand (Apple, Samsung, Google, OnePlus etc..). These phones nowadays have a glass back to them that break easily and are fingerprint magnet that ruins the beauty of the new phone. These phones are slippery and to prevent that people slip on a case for their device. The cases can be thin as paper or bulky as a book. Clear as a window or secure as a locked door. People spend weeks or even years with the same phone case to inevitably switch the case with a brand new one. Sometimes in a wild you can find a person with no case at all! Some people would go without a case on their phone for the entire time they have the phone. Crazy right?! Phone cases sound like the only option right? The majority of people would be satisfied with that but, what if I told you there is a different option out there. Phone Skins! You