BP#2- Can music affect you emotionally?

People are emotional, we all know that. Happiness, sadness, anger, and fear these are some of the emotions that we humans feel, it's what makes us who we are. Emotions help to connect with others in a very deep and meaningful way. Emotions are what defines us as well as actions do. Emotions can bring you up and make you feel like you're on top of the world. Emotions can overwhelm us in a way that some may never understand. Sometimes music can tune into our emotions. Music can bring out our emotions in a good or bad way. Listening to a "happy" song can bring your spirits up while listening to a "sad" song can bring down your mood. Music can remind someone of days long gone or of a recent event that has happen. Music is a hobby for some while it's a profession for most. There are many types of music and genres that can become tune with our emotions like hip-hop, jazz, rap, lo-fi and many more. There are many studies of the psychological relationship of music and emotions. How can the two be compared? There is the Appearance emotionalism by philosophers Stephen Davies and Jerrold Levinson. Appearance emotionalism states that "music expresses emotion without feeling it". There also is the process theory by philosopher Jenefer Robinson which states "the process of emotional elicitation begins with an 'automatic immediate response that initiates motor and autonomic activity and prepares us for possible action' causing a process of cognition that may enable listeners to 'name' the felt emotion". Music and emotions can also be linked to one personality. If you're upbeat and happy then a "happy" song would be on your playlist. If you're more serious then heavy metal might be your type. It's undeniable that music can affect you emotionally be it a teen in high school or a digital media teacher. Music affects everyone.


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